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Microsoft 365 For Law Firms

MS 365 with CloudLex to solve your biggest challenges

We understand how tedious it can be to create, edit and upload Microsoft Word documents into your many different cases. You may find it difficult to maintain multiple versions while editing and managing documents for multiple cases.

Which is why we are excited to introduce several new time-saving features in the Microsoft 365 integration with CloudLex! Please join our subject-matter experts Jessica Thomas, and Sara Blakley to learn more about how to overcome your biggest challenges with these new features!

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Get the most out of MS 365 and CloudLex

Duration: 45 mins

In this webinar, we’re going to shine a light on the following:

  • How to create a brand-new Word document directly from within CloudLex.
  • How to edit and save an existing Word document in CloudLex and avoid uploading/downloading multiple versions.
  • How to generate a template, make edits and save directly back to CloudLex.
  • How to use our improved Add-ins for Word, Excel and PowerPoint to quickly upload new documents in an intake or matter in CloudLex, and more!

Sign up now, and watch the recording of the webinar now!

Free Webinar

About the speakers


Jessica Garcia Thomas

Jessica G. Thomas is a subject-matter expert and Customer Success Manager at CloudLex. A former legal professional, Jessica specializes in litigation and advocacy and has been advising lawyers and law firms in adapting to cloud-based legal technology and helping them in migration and implementation. She loves Beyonce and Taylor Swift and likes singing Justin Bieber when no one is looking.



Sara Blakley

After leading legal support to multiple law firms, Sara Blakley started advocating the shift to cloud-based legal technology for lawyers and law firms and is currently a subject-matter expert and Customer Success Manager at CloudLex. When not working, she spends time with her cats and rescuing other cats in the town.

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