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Workers’ Compensation Case Management Software

Maximize compensation benefits for workers

A workers’ compensation attorney aims to help clients get the benefits they deserve. Whether it’s through the workers’ compensation system or a lawsuit, attorneys guide plaintiffs in estimating damages, negotiating settlements with employers, or filing suit if needed.

Workers Compensation Case Management Software icon

Capture and manage medical records

Medical records are crucial in personal injury cases, making their management vital for any workers’ compensation law firm. Obtaining, managing, and analyzing these records can be challenging but must be handled carefully to avoid missing important details. Thankfully, legal technology can help.

Simplified personal injury practice management

CloudLex streamlines the capture and management of medical records from intake to discovery.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Includes built-in medical record retrieval tailored for workers’ compensation cases.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Initiate, track, and analyze medical record requests, status, linked documents, and service providers. Index and tag records for better preparation of depositions, motions, discovery, and medical case chronology.

Expenses and settlements

Streamlined workers’ comp case management

Workers’ comp management in one centralized location

Use CloudLex’s intuitive client intake forms to collect and track insurance details, medical records, employment notes, etc. Convert this information into a matter with one click, transferring all intake details seamlessly.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Accurately capture incident, injury, and medical treatment details.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Record medical provider details and treatments in a structured database. Use advanced search to quickly find documents via CloudLex’s case management app.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Tag documents and communications to intakes or matters, creating a central information source. Link files to plaintiffs’ medical records for easy access.

Medical records management
Automate document management

Efficient and intelligent document management is crucial

Workers’ compensation cases require numerous templates and documents. The right document management software can help you organize cases effectively, saving time, money, and effort from start to finish.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Access or create templates with CloudLex. Edit, save, email, and personalize with letterheads.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Store unlimited case files in the cloud, categorize them and tag them for easy retrieval. Integrate with OneDrive, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Simplified personal injury practice management

Use CloudLex’s MS Word, PPT, and Excel Add-ins to open, edit, and save documents. Securely send documents for e-signatures with LexSign, Adobe Sign, or DocuSign and save them within CloudLex.

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Social Security Disability Case Management Software icon