You may have to spend money to make money, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spend your money wisely. Thousands of prospective clients search for personal injury lawyers on the internet every single day. But, how do you get those potential clients to find you without finding the money for your personal injury marketing budget or successfully marketing your law firm? The answer is right in front of you: law directories for personal injury lawyers. Free legal directories or the paid ones are the modern phone books. However, with legal directories, you don’t have to be first alphabetically in the search results.
Fortunately, we know several easy and budget-friendly ways to increase your visibility on personal injury legal directories.
Smile for the camera—put a picture on your lawyer listing
First impressions matter in real life, and they matter online too. Profile pictures bring a personal touch to the impersonal environment that is the internet. Be sure to use a high-quality shot that conveys how caring and professional you are. Don’t forget to tag the photo with your name and your law firm’s name, so it’ll show up when someone searches for you on the net or on the online lawyer directory.
Start from the top of the lawyer directory
Regardless of what you’re selling, headlines matter because they grab prospective clients’ attention. Think of them as your elevator pitch. What makes you different and sets you apart from your competitors on the directory of attorneys? Keep it short and creative, and frame it in terms of what you can do for your clients while including keywords potential clients might search for.
Tell us about yourself on the directory of attorneys
A prospect can’t determine if you’re a good fit if you don’t tell them why. The “About Us” section is your place to brag, but only a little. Expand upon what you said in the headline, but keep it brief, include keywords, and take advantage of whatever features the online lawyer directory site offers (photos, videos, links, etc.). You should only put the good stuff on your personal injury attorney listings profile, i.e., who you are and what you excel at. Highlight your personal injury practice area subspecialties, share essential firm info, and all milestones, awards, and big wins. Remember: update your law directory profile regularly to avoid losing your profile search rank.
Get rolling with video—maximize engagement on your lawyer listing
Like photos, videos are a great way to add a human element to your law directory profile. Videos allow for storytelling in a more digestible and personal format than text—that’s why it’s great for content like client testimonials. To maximize engagement with your profile and encourage follow up, make your videos look professional, choose an engaging thumbnail, put your name and specialties in the title, include your contact info, and embed the video from YouTube so you can track analytics and direct prospects to your YouTube page…for even more engagement!
Bask in the praise
Encourage your clients to leave short, positive personal injury law firm reviews on your legal directory profiles. People really respond to social proof, and the more reviews you get, the higher your profile search rank will go on the directory for attorneys.
Keep in contact—add CTAs on your law directory profile
People can’t get in touch with you if they don’t know how to. Be sure to include accurate contact info (including social media) in your profiles on the personal injury law directories. It makes things easier for prospects and helps broaden your online presence, so you’ll start coming up in people’s searches more and more.
Bonus tip to find success with attorney listings
It may go without saying, but the more online legal directories your profile is on, the more chances potential personal injury litigation clients have to discover your skills—so start signing up for more lawyer listings and start signing up more clients.
While you’re in “signing-up mode,” sign up for a free demo of our next-gen personal injury case management software. Our contact info is plastered all over this site, or you can find us in legal directories under “the best thing to happen to your personal injury firm.”