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Personal Injury Marketing Trends

Personal Injury Search Trend for the United States

Search Interest by Subregion for Personal Injury

Top 10 Search Keywords

Keywords Difficulty Volume Cost Per Click (in $) Investment (in $) Clicks
Personal injury lawyer 77 60500 63 1,000 16
Car accident lawyer 69 60500 158 1,000 6
Personal injury attorney 74 33100 60 1,000 17
Accident lawyer 67 27100 124 1,000 8
Car accident attorney 65 22200 125 1,000 8
Injury lawyer 76 22000 77 1,000 13
Personal injury lawyer near me 70 18100 80 1,000 13
Injury attorney 73 14800 74 1,000 14
Personal injury 75 8100 14 1,000 71
Accident lawyer near me 68 5400 84 1,000 12

Keywords: These are the search terms people are using to find personal injury lawyers

Keyword Difficulty: It gives an estimate of how hard it is to rank in the top 10 organic search results for a keyword on a 100-point scale.

Volume: An estimation of the average monthly number of searches for a keyword.

Cost Per Click: It shows the average price that advertisers pay for each ad click in paid search results for a keyword. Cost per click is an indicative avg price for each keyword. It may differ based on your target geography, keyword match type, competitors bidding, etc.

Clicks: It refers to the average monthly number of clicks against the investment of USD 1000.

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Search Interest by Subregion for Car Accidents

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