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Advanced AI Search

Advanced AI Search

Harness the power of cognitive search with AI

Discover the power of cognitive search with CloudLex’s Advanced AI. Our cutting-edge technology utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver lightning-fast and precise results from your documents, matters, client intakes and more in seconds.

Elevate your search experience

Revolutionize your search experience

Transform your personal injury firm’s productivity and efficiency with CloudLex’s Advanced AI. Harness the power of cognitive search, semantic search, advanced search features and fast, secure search capabilities to uncover crucial insights and streamline your operations.

Leverage our Advanced AI’s natural language processing (NLP) techniques, concept matching and synonym integration. This ensures you receive more relevant results by considering the intent and context of your query within case files, going beyond simple keyword searches.

Precision advanced search features

Empower your personal injury law firm with comprehensive search capabilities. Conduct full-text searches within documents, utilize fuzzy searches and more to precisely pinpoint the information you need. Expand your legal research by including archived matter case files and rejected client intake files.

Fast, efficient and secure

Built on the Microsoft Azure platform, CloudLex meets international and industry-specific compliance standards, ensuring data protection and peace of mind. Our cognitive search delivers lightning-fast, accurate results and saves time for your staff to focus on other critical tasks.

See what your peers are saying about CloudLex!

What your peers are saying about CloudLex.

CloudLex has been Great!

Personal Injury case management made easy! I would recommend it to any personal injury firm!

CloudLex is solving our inefficiencies. It makes our firm work quicker, find data quicker, communicate with clients quicker and overall keeps us better organized. Quick access to critical data from anywhere (via the app) has been beneficial.

Robert Lynch

Hoffman, Sternberg, Karpf & Lynch, LLC | Attorney

Frequently asked questions


Semantic search is a data searching technique in which a search query aims to not only find keywords, but to determine the intent and contextual meaning of the words or phrases being searched. Through concept matching, synonyms, and natural language algorithms, semantic search provides more interactive search results by transforming structured and unstructured data into an intuitive and responsive database.


Basic search
Everyone knows how a search bar works. After all, who hasn’t used Google to search for something at one time or another?

The most common search method is a keyword search. When you type in a word or phrase into your law case management software, the system provides all matters, intakes, tasks, document events, notes, and emails, including that keyword exactly or contextually. This type of search should be available across the entire case management software, so you can look for tasks or folders of interest, no matter the layout.

Advanced Search
Sometimes, a basic keyword search is not enough to quickly and easily find results. A robust case management software for personal injury attorneys should also offer filters.

When you want to narrow your search results, then you can use the advanced search. Advanced search allows you to conduct targeted searches by using various combinations of keywords or excluding some keywords from your search to get only the most relevant results. You can also opt to include or exclude certain categories of files, such as closed matters.

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