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Clean Up: Better Organize Your Personal Injury Cases With CloudLex®

Personal Injury Cases

Nobody likes to clean up after a big meal. After all, you just spent all that time crafting the perfect lasagna—you just want to enjoy it while watching your favorite show and go to sleep…you’ll fill the dishwasher in the morning. Then, three days later, you spend 35 minutes looking for a colander and end up overcooking your linguine. Mamma mia!!

What does this have to do with your personal injury practice? A lot.  As a personal injury lawyer, you spend so much of your day cooking up victories for your clients that you likely don’t have any time left for organizing your personal injury cases…and even if you did have free time, you’d probably rather spend it eating lasagna, watching your favorite TV shows, and sleeping.  While we can’t blame you for that; failing to organize your personal injury cases can lead to a lot more than a loss of lasagna—it can also result in a loss of time, energy, case victories, reputation, and more.

But don’t fret; we’re here to help you organize your organization quicker than you can microwave some popcorn. Here are 3 areas where your organization needs improvement and how we can assist:

Top organizational problems with intake

  • Intake involves lots of documents (e.g., police reports, medical bills, insurance information). Not only do you have to rely on stressed out clients to provide these docs, but you also have to remember to ask for them.
  • Intake requires lots of information (e.g., incident info, medical treatment, lost wages, insurance details). Failure to capture all the necessary info from your leads can be the difference between an airtight victory and certain defeat.
  • Intake uses too much paper. Not only is paper prone to being misplaced, but it can also lead to information loss in the conversion from lead to client.

Our Solution: Intake Manager, our state-of-the-art client intake software, is designed to keep you organized from the start. Intake Manager’s intelligent forms guide you through the legal intake process—ensuring you capture all the important docs and info you need. And our paperless intake not only ensures that you can easily find your client intake/case information, but also that it can be transferred to Matter Manager, our revolutionary personal injury case management software, with just one click upon conversion from lead to client.

Top organizational problems with doc management

  • Again, more documents! More files, more Bankers Boxes, more computer folders! How are you supposed to find anything? Do you feel like wasting your entire day?
  • You have a lot of people on your team (e.g., associates, partners, paralegals, interns) that may need to access and manage those documents. If you can’t find them, then they have no shot.

Our Solution: Matter Management software allows you to store your case data (from PDFs to audio) in a paperless format and classify it however you’d like for easy retrieval later across your devices. You (and your team) can sift through your entire document history with the ease of a Google search, using criteria like keyword or doc type, in a single, centralized location.

Top organizational problems with calendaring

  • You simply have too many calendar event deadlines. It’s hard to keep track of them all…but very easy to miss a deadline.
  • You often have the same events (motions, hearings, statute of limitations, etc.) associated with your case stages and, despite their repetitive (and mundane) nature, you still have to account for them individually each and every time you take on a new case.
  • You use 15 different calendar apps and, while you hope they’re synced, you’re not really sure.

Our Solution: CloudLex’s intuitive legal calendaring software ensure you stay on top of deadlines, instead of under water. Our automatic workflows let you assign tasks all at once for any stage of a litigation that requires repetitive tasks. Once assigned, you’ll get reminders and follow-up emails as an added protection.  Plus, CloudLex lets you sync your case calendar with email apps like Outlook and Google (and vice versa) so you always remain in sync with your cases.

And if you ‘d like to sync up your personal injury firm with the ultimate in organization and efficiency, sign up for a free demo of CloudLex—our next-gen cloud-based legal platform designed specifically for personal injury attorneys…so you can start managing your documents and your success!

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